Partnership Working – Together We Can Tackle Dementia

As a Social Entrepreneur,  making a positive contribution to peoples lives is what inspires me to keep going through adversity, set-backs, disappointments and apathy. When you meet like-minded people and develop exciting new partnerships it’s like “winning the social enterprise lottery”

The partnership recently forged with Lincoln University is a prime example of how it can bring your “social vision” one step closer to becoming a reality.


Danny Walsh, Senior Lecturer (Mental Health Nursing) – University of Lincoln


“This is a marvellous initiative which is likely to make a significant and very positive impact upon the lives of those people living with dementia and their carers who take part in it. The university both supports and is proud to be a part of this venture.”


“The concept of the ‘Golf in Society – Golf days out’ is well thought out and makes complete good sense for people living with dementia and their carers. It will provide exercise, activity, socialisation and cognitive stimulation to those participating in the golfing and much need respite and a support group and social event for carers. There is a good research evidence base for interventions such as these significantly helping people maintain their capabilities and achieve satisfaction in the face of the dementia. People with dementia are often overlooked and written off but this venture will provide them with the opportunity to prove otherwise and have fun in the process. As a university we will be supporting this venture because we recognise its value for the participants but it also represents a marvellous opportunity for our nursing students to join in and gain a valuable insight into dementia and its impact but more importantly to realise the potential that people living with dementia still have. We will also be evaluating it and researching its impact for all involved in order to validate its significance and potential”

“Lincoln University will be evaluating this venture and the city should be proud that its happening here first. We will be undertaking research into its effectiveness from an academic and medical point of view, but I have seen the pleasure and the grins on the faces of the participants and that’s about as good an evaluation as you can get”


Published by golfinsociety (CIC)

Our vision is to improve the health and wellbeing of local communities by introducing them to wonderful world of golf.

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